The Ortho Molecular Answer

Bi-polar Disorder

  • Mood disorders are a result of insufficient nutrients in the brain.
  • Ortho Molecular research points to food allergies being a cause of almost every known psychiatric condition.
  • The most common food allergies found in individuals with learning/behavior disorders are sugars, dairy products and wheat. These items are often found in baby formula and baby foods.
  • Research indicates that:

(1) any food may produce a cerebral reaction

(2) multiple food sensitivity is common

(3) foods consumed every three days are usually ones that create allergic reactions

(4) chemicals in the environment can produce similar allergic reactions such as insecticides, hydrocarbons, sprays and perfumes, cleaning compounds etc.

(5) the reactions or behaviors are usually labeled neurotic or emotional

  • Anyone with food allergies should have a detailed history taken by an Ortho Molecular therapist.
  • Standard psychiatry makes almost no reference to allergies as a cause of mood disorders.
  • Nutritional based therapy has a safe and effective history of correcting many learning problems.


If the cause of Bi-polar disorder is suspected to be reactions to food, an Ortho Molecular therapist may likely determine the source by taking a detailed food history and placing the client on the elimination diet:

Elimination diet

  • Remove foods to which one is allergic or which are toxic for a minimum of two weeks.
  • Monitor symptoms to see if there is improvement.
  • Reintroduce each food one at a time to determine which foods are causing an adverse reaction. If health deteriorates with the introduction of a specific food then it is toxic to your body and should be avoided, often for life.

Common Suspects

  • wheat
  • dairy
  • sugar

A customized vitamin therapy will also be prescribed.


This program must be customized by an Ortho Molecular therapist.

Daily Therapy

A multi-vitamin tablet not containing copper

Vitamin B3 (as niacinamide or inositol hexanicotinate) 500 mg to 1,000 mg three times daily

Vitamin B Complex (50s or 100s) tablet once daily

Vitamin B6 - 100 mg once daily

Vitamin B9 (folate or folic acid) - 1,200 mcg once daily

Vitamin D - 1,000 IU to 2,000 IU Child - once daily, Adult three times per day

Vitamin C - 500 mg to 1,000 mg three times daily

Zinc - 50 mg once daily

Selenium - 200 mcg once daily

Calcium/Magnesium - 300 mg Calcium/150 mg Mag three times daily

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids - 1 gram three times daily