The Ortho Molecular Answer

Alcoholism - A story from Dr. Abram Hoffer

Dr. Abram Hoffer is one of the founders of Ortho Molecular research.  The following was a story written by him in his Ortho Molecular Center Manual.


"Niacin is the most important vitamin .This conclusion is based on the joint effort of Mr Bill Wilson, co founder of  Alcoholics Anonymous and I. We met in 1960 and soon became close friends and colleagues, I shared with him what I had already seen when alcoholics were given niacin in the correct doses and he was very interested. He went even further. 

One evening when I was visiting him at his downtown hotel in New York he pulled out thirty files and said "Abram I want to show you the results of my research". He had given niacin to 30 of his associates and friends in  AA  after carefully telling them about niacin and its properties, the flush,  how much to take, etc, After one month ten of them were well, After two months another ten were well and after three the last  ten had not responded. I was delighted and impressed as his response rate was very similar to what I was seeing in my practice.

Bill W was the first lay person to repeat our research trials and to confirm our findings"